In a world full of purchasing choices, it’s easy to get caught up in getting a good bargain. Of course, we all want to save money, but have you ever stopped to consider whether that cheaper purchase is truly the most economical choice?  To help your spending decisions, we’ve compiled five important questions to help you decide if spending more for better quality is worth it.

Key Takeaways 

  • Consider the value over the cost: Think long-term instead of price.
  • Buying quality can be justified for items frequently used in your daily life.
  • Durability is key: If the cheaper option will lead to frequent repairs or replacements, don’t buy
  • Not all expensive options guarantee better quality
  • Prioritize purchases that align with your values and financial goals.

5 Questions to Decide Between Quality Or Saving Money

1. How Often Are You Going to Use It?

Think about how frequently you’ll use the item or service before making a purchase.  For example, if your job requires you to wear a suit regularly, it makes sense to spending more for a better quality suit. A good suit gets you the respect you need to talk to clients and boost your confidence. But if you’re only wearing a suit a couple of times a year for special occasions, splurging on a high-end brand may not be a wise choice.

2. How Long Will It Last?

Start by asking if the cheaper option will need frequent repairs or replacements. There’s no point in buying a budget blender that needs constant fixes. Especially if you cook regularly and need to use the blender often. In the long run, a durable and more expensive model can save you money—you don’t have to buy 2 or 3 blenders every year when you get one that is durable and reliable for your needs.

3. Is There Really a Difference?

Let’s clear this up: not all expensive options guarantee better quality. Don’t mistake price for quality. Sometimes, the more expensive product might not offer significantly better value, making the cheaper option the smarter choice. Instead of going by the price or brand name, compare product features and read reviews before committing to a purchase. Let the features or durability be worth the cost. 

4. Will It Enhance Your Quality of Life?

Before splurging on anything, consider how the purchase will impact your daily life. Will it make you more comfortable, convenient, or overall happier?

Investing in an orthopedic mattress can enhance your sleep quality, leading to better overall health and well-being. In this case, it’s absolutely worth the higher price.

5. How Will It Impact Your Financial Goals?

If you’re planning a wedding, spending more on a professional photographer might be justified to capture precious memories without compromising other aspects of the event. Can you find a way to incorporate this expense into your financial plan? Before making a decision, ensure that the purchase complements your financial goals and doesn’t disrupt your financial stability.

Bottom Line

Our spending choices and the questions we ask ourselves before buying can help us make a smart buying decision. ” By thoughtfully considering these five questions – how often will I use it, how durable it is, the features worth the cost, what their real value is, and the impact on quality of life—you can make informed choices.

It’s good spending more on better quality things if it make you happy but if sometimes, it’s just not realistic.  If having these questions in mind isn’t enough to curb impulsive spending, consider using a  card like the NowNow debit card, to set daily, weekly, or monthly spending limits.
